Character Level Wiki

"Seeing your nation with fresh eyes, my dear Captain America, I assure you-you've lost your war. It just happened so slowly you grew accustomed to it. But if you look to your heart, you will realize the truth. You're fighting to change it back, to add some semblance of sanity to an incurably sick culture that breeds only parasites, greedy polluters and psychotic madmen. A hopeless struggle you continued out of habit. You imagine that if you fight hard enough, one day you will wrest control from the bankers who own you and return this nation to its former glory. Clean streets, honest neighbors, attractive wives, green lawns. But in reality this is, and will remain, your America. An uneducated population fixated on competition, material wealth and voyeurism. Violent monsters doused in antibiotics to offset their diet of sugary sweet drink and mounds of carcinogenic cow flesh! This is what you fight for!"


When Johann Schmidt was born, his mother Martha died while giving birth to him, leading to his father Hermann attempting to kill him and eventually killing himself. Left an orphan on the streets of early Nazi Germany, Johann turned to a life of theft until he began working as a bellhop in his late teens. During this time he ended up rescuing Germany's then-leader from an assassination attempt, who was so impressed with the hatred of mankind he could see within him that he began personally training Schmidt into a "perfect soldier". Upon his training's completion, he had become the Red Skull.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A | At least 9-A | Unknown, possibly 4-B

Name: Johann Schmidt, Red Skull, Roter Totenkopf, John Smith

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: At least 80

Classification: Human supervillain

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Durability Negation with Dust of Death, Illusion Creation with holographic projector, Stealth Mastery (Killed a prisoner in a locked room in a tower without the superheroes, including Captain America, noticing) previously Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, and other abilities (In the past, his own brain was fused with that of Charles Xavier, giving him his powers) | Same as before in addition to Longevity, Enhanced Senses, Precognition, Regeneration (Low), Resistance to Poison Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Illusion Creation and Radiation Manipulation (Has the same powers as Captain America due to using a body cloned from him) | Astral Projection, Energy Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Telepathy, Memory Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Illusion Creation

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Fought Crossbones and defeated him. Fought the Kingpin evenly.) | At least Small Building level (Inhabits a cloned body of Captain America) | Unknown, possibly Solar System level (May be comparable to the original Onslaught)

Speed: Likely Massively Hypersonic+ (Dodged one of Black Widow's stingers) | Massively Hypersonic+ | Possibly Massively FTL+

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Class 5 (Threw a sparring partner quite a distance.) | Unknown

Striking Strength: Small Building Class | At least Small Building Class | Unknown, possibly Solar System Class

Durability: Small Building level | At least Small Building level | Unknown, possibly Solar System level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Melee range, several meters with weapons

Standard Equipment: Assorted handguns, explosives, a holographic projector, and a trick cigarette that can fire his deadly Dust of Death powder.

Intelligence: A genius strategist and political operative. Is a highly trained German soldier with expertise in hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship and explosive weaponry. He wanted to inflict mental anguish and to ruin the image of the U.S.Agent by turning him into a berserker madman, and he accomplished it. Made an explosive to blow through a wall.

Weaknesses: None notable.

Key: Red Skull | Cloned Body/"John Smith" | Red Onslaught

Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
